Our seventh end-of-year donation to daycare center De Ster

20 Dec 2022

Nieuwegein, 20 December 2022 - Daily, more than fifty sparkling stars are the gleaming centers of Reinaerde Daycare Center De Ster. These children with a developmental delay or challenge are supported by De Ster in learning practical and social skills.

What these dedicated employees mean to the children and their parents every day, is indescribably beautiful. And that’s why we couldn’t imagine a better organization to give our end-of-year donation to.

Our earlier donations contributed to the swing set project. With this, the daycare center bought nest swings which allow multiple children to relax simultaneously. With the new gift we come full circle and enable them to buy the last item on the project and wish list: a swing boat. In this moon-shaped boat a child can unwind while rocking back and forth. As an extra, the multi-sensory environment (‘snoezelhoek’) is cheered up with a FiberGlow. This colorful light source has a calming effect on children. Because even the shiniest star needs to recharge every now and then.

More information about Reinaerde and what they do for our society can be found at reinaerde.nl.

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