Collaboration between Human Inference and the BKR Foundation leads to improved data quality

11 Nov 2021

Henk Bothof, CIO of Stichting BKR: “With DataHub from Human Inference, we have achieved a significant improvement in the way in which we can inform our customers about the credit positions of Dutch consumers. With the Human Inference software we can establish the relationships between the various data of our customers much better and thus, in collaboration with our customers, increase the data quality.”

Arnhem, 11 November 2021 - DataHub from Human Inference, European market leader in data quality, is a software solution that enables working with large amounts of efficient, accurate and GDPR-proof data. Stichting Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR) has chosen to integrate DataHub in the heart of the new Central Credit Information System (CKI).

This enables BKR to provide even better high-quality information about the financial situation of Dutch consumers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With DataHub, BKR monitors and matches all data about credits and possible payment deficits of Dutch consumers, creating a reliable picture. After the integration, Human Inference will remain actively involved with BKR with support and advice.

More than 240 financiers in the Netherlands enter information about loans in a national credit register with Stichting BKR. This concerns a total of about 11 million Dutch consumers, who together have about 22 million loans. Peter Berg, managing director of Human Inference: "With DataHub we ensure that BKR can continuously provide the most reliable and relevant information about consumers. With our strong matching engine, reports are passed on safely, quickly and correctly. This is done at lower costs and with better results."

Intelligent matching algorithms
Human Inference uses software with intelligent matching algorithms. This is very important for BKR customers, for example to assess the creditworthiness of consumers. The high-precision matching software within DataHub is applied to personal data and provides a link within CKI with credit amounts, term and repayment dates. Ultimately, this ensures the high quality of the data in CKI.

BKR has deliberately opted for a combination of handmade and the use of standard software from Human Inference. In addition, the choice was made to use the Microsoft Azure platform. By configuring a standard software component instead of completely redesigning a section, significant cost savings are achieved and future maintenance is guaranteed.

Financial well-being is the goal
“As many Dutch people with a healthy financial household and as few people with problematic debts as possible, that is the goal of BKR," says Henk Bothof, CIO at Stichting BKR. “With our new register, this works better. By gaining faster and better insight into our data, we help the country to prevent excessive lending, problematic debts of consumers and risks at financial service providers. In this way we contribute to the financial well-being of the Netherlands.” Due to faster and better information, only credits are provided that actually fit the personal situations of the individuals concerned. The Netherlands has more than 650,000 people with payment problems. For them it is important not to let this increase.

Every company a data company